Edinburgh Festivals and some pre-Festival Fun

Edinburgh Royal Park 30 July 2022

Two of the dancers are known to me – Romance author, Sophie Claire and her friend Jane. These ladies had travelled some distance to take part in the Kate Bush fundraising event for Maggie’s Centres and other cancer charities. The Edinburgh event was sited in the open grassland off the Queen’s Drive in the Royal Park.

Edinburgh on the brink of the Festivals provides such surreal happenings. They’re not quite ten-a-penny, but not unusual. However, they are different, inspiring, thought provoking and, I think, surreal.

August brings so much by way of the International, the local, the usual and the unusual. Let’s get behind our Festivals and secure their futures.

I hope your own month is filled with inspiration.

For Edinburgh Festival tickets go here.

For Fringe Tickets try here

For the Royal Military Tattoo go here

Anne (Who is drafting the synopsis for a fresh Edinburgh based Regency)

Courting the Countess Will Melissa discover a hero in Harry? A regency romance from Anne Stenhouse

City of Discoveries free to read here. Can Jennet keep the family afloat until William finds work? A nineteenth century Dundee story from Anne Stenhouse (edited Alan Spink)

2 thoughts on “Edinburgh Festivals and some pre-Festival Fun

  1. Thanks for all the information Anne. There doesn’t seem to be a Festival Brochure this year (reason: Covid I suppose?) but these links are great. Enjoyed your write up of Sunshine on Leith at Pitlochry – is it wonderful to be getting back to see shows etc.

    • Hi Carol, Glad it’s useful. did try to reply earlier but failed – new sustems at work. there is a Festival brochure – hard copy on request – they’re online. Anne

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