Edinburgh Festivals 2018


Theatre Al Fresco

Theatre Al Fresco

MIDSUMMER by David Greig and Gordon McIntyre, and directed by Kate Hewitt, was a bittersweet start to our Festival 2018. Midsummer’s production is supported by Brenda Rennie in memory of her husband, Donald Rennie who died last year. Donald and Brenda have been loyal supporters of the Festivals over many years and Donald served on the Board. Both the Rennies are dear friends.

To the production-

Midsummer was originally created for two actors and a musician, but has been re-written for four actors, with contribution from a fifth who is also in the band, and a three-piece ensemble. I didn’t  see the original so am unable to regale you with comparison. I hugely enjoyed this show.

Fast-paced and demanding of its cast, the older Helena and Bob, tell their tale and the two younger live it out. Mid-thirties, successful or foot-loose, but without a stable relationship is a dangerous moment. Is CHANGE POSSIBLE ?

Songs, farce, drama, pathos and ultimately uplifting, Midsummer has it all. Take care walking on the arena at the end, the silver paper is slippy.

I was particularly impressed by the actors’ movement and must mention Jenny Ogilvie the Movement Director. Benny Young, the older actor, told whole life stories in a few seconds of movement. Brilliant stuff.

Run continues, not Tuesdays, 8pm, till Sunday 26th August at the Hub, Castlehill.


Anne Stenhouse

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