NaNoWriMo – Everybody’s Doing It

Participant 73x73

Okay so maybe everybody who signed up for NaNoWriMo isn’t doing it. One or two of the buddies (that’s a technical term meaning writing friends!) haven’t posted any words at all so far.

Life gets in the Way where a high pressure undertaking like NaNo is concerned. I don’t usually post about family matters, so I won’t, but there’s been a certain measure of other pressure to deal with. It means that I don’t expect to reach 50,000 words in NaNo, but I will be much further on than I was. So come on buddies, don’t keep us in suspense – how’re you doing?

Write A Novel In A Month – Everybody’s Doing It – and now some publishers are asking to read the results. Mills and Boon UK, for example, have offered to read any romances submitted by 7th December and offer a decision by 21st December. That’s quite something. Don’t get carried away though folks – they do have lines and your submission would need to match one of those.

Didn’t see any theatre last week – see above at family pressures, but hope to catch something soon. Plenty in the Snippets column for those interested.