Fringing and other Crafty Pursuits (2)

AUSTENSIBILITY written by Alan Richardson is the 2015 offering from Fringe regulars, The Mercators.

Richardson has dramatised the main events of Jane Austen’s life as we know them and created a pleasant work of fact together with readings and dramatised snippets from her writings. At times achingly familiar, but often rendered fresh and insightful.

The cast includes a new and talented young actress playing Jane, Josie Duncan  Her portrayal was by turns sweet and waspish – much in fact, as we understand the writer to have been in life.

The Mercators are always on the look-out for new blood. They include the Scottish community Drama one-act lay festival in their yearly round, too. Rehearsed and dramatised readings are a good way for the older actor to continue without the fear of forgetting the words or drift. I recommend it.

Wardrobe mistress May Kelly has excelled. Jane’s cap and dress were instantly recognisable form the famous (and only?) portrait by her sister Cassandra. The red outfit worn by Angela Binnie instantly captured Regency excess and Lady Catherine De Berg. gets my vote as the costume of the Fringe so far and I think it’ll take quite something to surpass it.

An entertaining interlude for all Jane Austen and Regency lovers all round. If you want to continue in that vein, see my run of novels above. Like many another author, my work is richly inspired by hers. Oh, and lift one of the book flyers – you might find a freebie download for your kindle, nook, i-pad.

Run continues at Venue 11, Mayfield Salisbury church halls until Friday. 7.30pm Many buses on Minto Street, 42 & 67 to Ratcliff Terr.

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