Flyer-ing is a thankless task


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Sometimes you hear of people whose aim in life is to avoid accepting even one. Shame on you!

I do try to accept as many flyers as I can. during the Festivals in Edinburgh. That policy can quickly make you wish you’d brought another bag to carry the haul home. But, having been in the position of trying to sell tickets for a show, I feel obligated.

This modest accumulation was collected as I walked out to lunch yesterday – and yes, the lady from Delusion of Home did give me two.

So, you might be wondering, how is this year’s hunt for the most clueless audience member going? There are contenders. A first-rate effort was displayed at Siegfreid when a gent from the stalls arrived in the Grand Circle and sat in a seat he was advised had been empty during the first act. Sadly, for him, the owner of the ticket did arrive in time for the second! Will keep you updated, but do bring your own examples into comments, please.

Mariah’s Marriage

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